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Neck, Upper Back and Shoulders
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Prone Arm Extension
Phase 1
Lay on stomach with your arms above your head
You will be working with the breath during this exercise. When you inhale, you’ll contract your core. When you exhale, you will be moving your arm. The reason we only move on the exhale is because you will already be keeping your core strong while breathing out.
On the exhale, slowly raise your arm about 3 inches, one at a time. Exhale and lower.
Raise the same arm back up on an exhale then drop it back down on an inhale. If you feel the contraction in the shoulder area or if you're able to easily raise your arm higher than 3-5 inches off the floor, you don’t have your shoulder blades tucked down and in correctly.
Phase II
Raise both arms off the floor at the same time
Continue contracting your stomach and raise your chest off the floor.
If this pinches your lower back, you're going up too high and not contracting your core enough. You should feel this all along your spinal column.
Go in a push up position, either on your toes or your knees
Your elbows slightly bent. Allow your thoracic cavity to sink down with your shoulder blades poking out then push yourself back up, not moving your elbows
Your torso will just sink down then back up.
Serratus Anterior Push-Up
External Axial Rotation
Stand in neutral posture and grab the resistance band that is away from the wall
Hold your elbow at a 90 degree angle
Allow your palm to come towards your body and then acting like there is a rod going out your shoulder and into the floor, allow it to pivot open as far as you can with your elbow against your side
Do not allow your elbow to flare out or your wrist to torq out, stay in neutral position
Do not rest your arm against you.
Internal Axial Rotation
Stand in neutral posture and grab the resistance band that is closest to the wall
Hold your elbow at a 90 degree angle
Allow your palm to come towards your body and then acting like there is a rod going out your shoulder and into the floor, allow it to pivot open as far as you can with your elbow against your side
Do not allow your elbow to flare out or your wrist to torq out, stay in neutral position
Do not rest your arm against you.
Stand in neutral position. Your hand closest to the wall is holding resistance, palm is facing you
Your wrist will be in neutral position
All the motion is coming from the shoulder
Take the left arm and bring it up to the right shoulder
Your shoulder blades will not move